Monday, March 23, 2009

Food for thought

I don't know what kind of luck you other dogs are having in convincing your person that you need more than two meals a day, plus the occasional treat. I haven't managed to get that message across quite yet. And frankly, it's pissing me off.
Until then, I'll keep doing what I do now — finding things to eat on the street. Here are a few of my personal favourites:
Sticks: There's nothing like chewing on some wood to fill the stomach and add some much-needed fibre to the diet. Yum.
Grass: I like to rip it up in big chunks, especially the tender new stuff. I keep hearing we should eat more greens — I'm all over it.
Stuff birds drop: You won't believe what you can find on the street that's fallen out of the sky — chicken bones, fish heads, stinky half-chewed hunks of unidentifiable flesh. I once found a lobster claw, believe it or not. That was a good day ...
Stuff people put out for birds: This is usually a light carbohydrate snack, like bread or crackers. Not very filling, but you can snarf a lot of it down pretty quickly.
Stuff kids drop: Streets around schools are good for this. My favourite are the shiny silver bags that smell like sour cream or salt and vinegar. Stick your head way in and munch as fast as you can before your person spoils the fun.
Any dogs out there have your own tips? I'm all ears ....

1 comment:

  1. Here's the thing Brandy - don't wait for those kids to drop their lunch bags. Those kids - or Important Food Sources as I like to call them - are easily spotted from quite a distance. The Endowment Lands are especially good for sightings. Hone in on strollers as these IFSs often offer a buffet of choice. It's a win, win because parents think you are so friendly when you approach the IFS, wagging your tail - just makes the quick lick even easier! From your older and obviously a little wiser pal, Kona
