So what is all this fuss over the dog moving into the White House? I'm told Bo a Portuguese water dog, but he looks like a scruffy two-tone poodle with a goofy tail to me. And what's with bragging that he's a "water dog"? Get me within 100 yards of a fish pond or a wading pool and I'll jump right in, but I don't feel the need to show off by putting it in my name. Mine tells you that I have a skill — I retrieve things. What's this guy's special talent, watering the carpet in the Oval Office? And how important can the First Dog be if he doesn't even have a blog?
Clearly you haven't spent enough time with Porties to truly appreciate our breed. I challenge you to find the puddles more quickly than I can on a rainy Lynn Valley trail -- water is literally my middle name and I don't wait for anyone to throw me a ball to jump in. What is it with you retrievers and your need to chase flying objects? We may be adorable, but wait until the White House gets a look at Bo's muddy paws after a romp in the garden.